Wild Explorer

For my year long Commercial Asset Production for Real Time module, we were tasked with creating a short animation using a character and environment that we had created in full, and utelizing real-time techniques throughout the process. Based on this assignment brief, I set out to create an animation in which a wild explorer discovers the broken and decaying ruins of an ancient, mythical beast, but is forced out of the forest clearing by a pack of wild, hungry wolves.

To create my character, I used a range of software such as ZBrush, Maya, Blender, Substance Painter, Clip Studio Paint and Unreal Engine. The mocap used in this project was recorded in my university's mocap suite and features another student as the mocap actor. The mocap session itself was directed by me.

Final Artefact Video


character turnaround - textured


character turnaround - wireframe

The Process

vertice, triangle and face count of my sculpted model
vertice, triangle and face count of my retopologised model

An example of some of the mocap recorded for my project (using the UE Quinn mannequin)


Retargeting the Quinn rig from the mocap clip onto my finished character mesh